
June 02, 2022: The largest genomic catalogue of wild chimpanzees

Click here to read the original publication!

Press link:

March 05, 2021: Chimpanzees without borders

Click here to read the original publication!

Press link:


May 25, 2020: Cultural diversity in chimpanzees

Click here to read the original publication!

Press links:

November 1, 2019: The PanAf project: studying chimpanzee culture across Africa

PanAf post-doc Dr. Ammie Kalan discusses her work in the PanAf project

April 18, 2019: Christophe Boesch: Do Wild Chimpanzee Populations Develop Diverse Cultures?

Click here to watch the video!

March 14, 2019: Wild African ape reactions to novel camera traps [German version]

Click here to read the original publication: Novelty Response of Wild African Apes to Camera Traps

Press links:

March 7, 2019: Chimpanzees lose their behavioral and cultural diversity [German version]

Click here to read the original publication: Human impact erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Science.

Press links:

Click here to watch the video!

Introducing Zamba:

As artificial intelligence advances our capabilities in image and video processing, a task central to many wildlife research efforts, we need tools that are more accessible for ecologists and conservationists. Project Zamba is an open source command-line tool and Python library designed to take a step towards making state of the art AI technology more widely available not just for data scientists, but also for the practitioners that can benefit most from their use.

Get more infos here!

August 8, 2018:
Blick in den Dschungel
- a report from mdr on the PanAf citizen science platform Chimp&See (in German)

Click here to watch the video!
October 19, 2017: Fantastic Beasts and How to ClassiFind Them:
Pri-matrix Factorization Competition!

We partnered with Driven Data and the Arcus Foundation to offer a €20,000 challenge that takes you deep into the jungles of Africa. Camera traps are useful for non-invasive observation of wildlife and have the potential to free up huge amounts of research time -- but they can't yet automatically flag and label the species they observe.

In this project, a global community has annotated videos through the Chimp&See Zooniverse project, and now its time for the data scientist community to turn those labels into algorithms! You'll find here one of the largest labeled camera trap datasets for you to practice your skills and help researchers delve into the secrets of life on Earth!

Update - competition results!
August 4, 2016: Anthrax’s cousin wreaks havoc in the rainforest

Click here to read the original publication.
November 4, 2016: A new behavioural variant in wild chimpanzees: Algae fishing in Bakoun,
[German version]

Click here to read the original publication.

Press links:

Click here to watch the video: "Chimpanzees fishing for algae with tools in Bakoun, Guinea (PanAf"
February 29, 2016: Why do chimpanzees throw stones at trees? [German version]

Click here to read the original publication.

Press links:

Click here to watch the video: "Why do chimpanzees throw stones at trees?"
April 21, 2015: Participation sought! New citizen science project

In celebration of Earth Day on 22 April 22nd, a special citizen science project called Chimp&See will be launched online. The platform brings amateur researchers together with scientists and will show the general public just how exciting research can be! Read more here.

I want to watch chimp videos, take me to Chimp&See!

Chimp&See featured on the The Nature Conservancy's Cool Green Science blog!

Chimp&See is featured on the German citizen science portal Burger Schafen Wissen

Chimp&See interview with Christophe Boesch on Deutschlandfunk Radio (in German)

Chimp&See was featured on Science Update
The first lion seen in Gabon in the last 20 years caught on a PanAf camera trap (October 2015)

Press links:


Short documentary
on the PanAf Programme

English version or German version
Nature Report:

The cultured chimpanzees. Do chimpanzees have traditions?
As wild populations dwindle, researchers are racing to find out (Vaidyanathan, G. (2011)
Nature 476: 266-269)

[ click here for pdf version]

Nature Video:

short documentary "The great ape program"

[Click here to watch the video]
Cat hunting January 28, 2015: African Golden Cat Hunting Footage

The first ever video of one of the least known and most elusive wild cats on earth – the African golden cat – hunting during day light in Kibale National Park, Uganda. This new footage was recorded with a camera trap set by Samuel Angedakin, Kibale Project Manager for the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology’s Pan African Programme: The Cultured Chimpanzee, in collaboration with the Ngogo Chimpanzee Project, Uganda Wildlife Authority and the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology.

Click here to watch the video Chimpanzees: Culture Loss

Primatologist Christophe Boesch explains that declining chimpanzee populations threatens the study of chimpanzee culture.

[click here to watch the video]